Our Story

Every story has a beginning.
This is ours…
How it all began
KOF was designed with the purpose of enabling individuals and groups to make tax deductible contributions for approved and vetted worthy causes consistent with the mission statement of the organization.
The founding inspiration originated with Dr. Ellis Kline and Priscilla M. Kline. During a Kline family Thanksgiving reunion in 1992 at the home of George and Faith Kline in Concord Michigan, several individuals reviewed a trust agreement which became the basis of the legal foundation.

From that group, seven trustees were identified and copies of the Trust Agreement were distributed, signed and filed with the State of South Carolinas. Then an application was made to the IRS for Federal tax exempt status and in due time the Kline One Foundation was officially acknowledged as a 501(c)(3) entity.
Tax Deductible Charitable Status:
As a result, The Kline One Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization authorized to receive tax deductible contributions from individuals or organizations.
The Foundation’s distributions are determined by its Board of Trustees according to the availability of funds, the guidelines of its Mission Statement, and the laws which regulate its transactions.
Early contributions and distributions
While fully committed to its Mission Statement, the KOF Board of Trustees viewed its function during the early years as primarily to locate deserving causes, vet them and distribute available funds for their support.

Developing the Concept
Plans were developed to inform the larger public about its work and goals. Information about KOF which had been known exclusively through word of mouth or correspondence would now to be intentionally communicated more broadly.
Kline One invests one hundred percent of donations received to the designated project
Kline One is among the few charities in which one hundred percent of all contributions received go to the mission selected by the donor.
Many needs are being fulfilled through giving
to the Kline One Foundation
From its beginning as a vision in 1992, Kline One Foundation has served its purpose through supporting and promoting charitable, religious, scientific, literary, educational and cultural activities as directed by its Mission Statement. Click HERE for list of organizations which have received funds through Kline One Foundation.

Increasing numbers contribute and participate
Hundreds of caring people have contributed funds, and many thousands have supported donated efforts and prayers. This makes a huge difference in the lives of thousands of children, adults and families.
Twenty-eight years old in 2020
and looking to the future
Since Kline One's first meeting in 1992, much progress has been accomplished. Those who have sat on the Board or have served as consultants have given time and money and also have benefited through our collaboration and fellowship.
Launched in 1992, three generations of families have now given their time and expertise to the work of the Kline One Foundation. We believe that the many years that have passed since its inception mark a good beginning of where it will go in the future. We invite you to join us in our journey of love and care that is dedicated to helping those in need around the world.

Who We Are
Current Board Members